Goriška Brda it’s a hilly region at the extreme West of Slovenia located near the Italian border.In Goriška Brda, the Sirk’s family has worked in viticulture and in wine production farms for generations. Their vine – yard, located in a perfect sunny position, a marled and sandstone mould (we call it Ponka ) are, together with a long-familiar tradition, guarantee of wines excellent quality. Today on this farm they cultivate 6 ha of vineyards planted with 24,000 vines. They are involved in integrated cultivation because farming is in harmony with nature. In their newly built wine cellar, they annually produce 35,000 to 40,000 bottles of fine wine. Special attention is paid to indigenous varieties because our wine is placed on originality, keen personality and friendly nature. They delight lovers of wine characteristics, structures, extreme and crazy tastes. Their wines reflect the distinct balance of taste, smell and freshness.